Asana of the Week: Uttanasana



(Standing Forward Fold)

Your go-to pose for grounding, letting go and practicing the art of surrender…

In traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga, Forward Folds are one of 6 fundamental pose categories, categorised by their energetic influence on the 6 subsystems of the body. One of these 6 subsystems are what the yogis call, Vayus.

The Vayu’s refer to the 5 directions that prana (our energy) circulates around our body. These Vayus govern specific mental and physical functions and Forward Folds such as Uttanasana influence and awaken the energies of Apana Vayu. Associated with elimination and grounding, Apana Vayu is the downward and descending direction of prana within our breath. Also connected to the Root Chakra and Kapha Dosha, it’s our innate grounding force.

When to practice

  • When you’ve got a busy mind.

  • If you are having difficulty letting go emotionally.

  • If you want to access a feeling of calm and stability.

  • To settle anxiety and feel more grounded.

  • To rejuvenate tired legs and stretch your hamstrings.

  • To improve sluggish digestion.

  • To increase flexibility in the spine and bring fresh blood flow to the brain.

How to practice

  • Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

  • Extend up through your spine to lengthen, then weight down through your heels.

  • Micro-bend your knees and engage your core by drawing your navel back towards your spine.

  • Now you’re ready to fold down, hinging from your hips to bring your torso down towards your thighs.

  • Once folded, tuck your chin towards you chest and rest the crown of your head towards the floor.

  • Let your arms hang free or bring your finger tips to rest on the floor.

  • Allow the weight of your torso and head to hang heavy and surrender to the weight of gravity. Feel it bring a sense of grounding to your mind and body.

  • Enjoy!

Whenever you’re feeling in need of a little pause, to bring your feet back to ground and come back to earth, give Uttanasana a go and see what changes you can feel, what begin to shift? Remember to take long, deep nourishing breaths and focus on your exhale for a greater sense of release.

Hanine Waked