Harnessing Intuition

What is intuition? How exactly do we harness it? Here are 3 tools I use to help me tap into this superpower. We all have it and it’s yours for the taking!

Intuition is a bit of an elusive paradox. It feels totally understandable and yet hard to explain at the same time. Intuition to me is a feeling of knowing something without thought. It feels as though it is housed in the body and is natural, raw and wildly untamed by the mind. It’s that gut knowing, that niggle, that pull, that inner voice that howls my deepest truths into the night, however sometimes it doesn’t quite feel like howling! In today’s age we can be so in our heads and disconnected from our bodies that it can be hard to hear or feel this howling call at all and so our intuitive guidance goes amiss!

Understanding that intuition is not of the mind and that it’s a sensory, body-based knowledge strengthens our skill to listen to our intuition in the moment and recognise when it’s there and has something to say. So, how exactly do we harness this fascinatingly elusive and powerful decision making, truth aligning tool?! 

We create space in the mind, we tap into our body and we trust what comes through.

My top three tools…

1.    Journaling

Free-writing in a journal helps us to let a stream of uninterrupted consciousness flow through pen to paper. When doing so we find ourselves writing feelings we didn’t know we had, and slowly the more we allow ourselves to write freely without interruption of thoughts we begin to hear the voice of intuition come through. We can discover perhaps that a thought we had about disliking a certain person, place or thing may actually turn out to be a feeling of desire that we in fact do like it, we like it so much and yet perhaps we feel unworthy of it ourselves so we end up harbouring resentment and mistaking it for dislike. Once we know this we can work on building our sense of worth instead of sitting in a muddy pool of dislike and resentment!


2.    Oracle cards

This is one of my favourite ways! To use oracle cards you can simply spread the deck of cards, pick one or a selection at random. Then instead of going to the book to read what’s prescribed to be the meaning of the card, allow your inner voice to give you the message. Tap in to what you feel the card means to you. This way you may establish a meaning far more accurate to what’s going on for you than what’s written in the book. With their beautiful designs, card pulling is a fun and visual way to bring your intuition to light.  

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3.    Meditation and Yoga

Meditation helps me to connect with the space between myself and my thoughts, thoughts don’t disappear but within the space created it allows more room for the voice of intuition to come through. In addition, yoga allows us to tap into our body and strengthens our body based awareness of what feels good or bad, right and wrong. When we can trust that stretching too far forward hurts a little, we back off and we strengthen that trust between ourselves and what our body is communicating.


Following our intuition is useful for many things in life and for me most importantly in relationships. Relationships to ourselves, our bodies, our family, partners, friends and our work. When we listen to the truth of our intuition, it moves us into alignment with who we really are and what we want and our choices, our voice and our actions become authentic and true to us. When we don’t listen to that truth, and ignore our intuition we find ourselves feeling off, out of alignment, confused, burnt out, disconnected, conflicted, stagnant and low in confidence. In my experience we can end up choosing the wrong jobs, holding onto bad friendships and staying in unhealthy relationships.

So next time you’re feeling that little voice in your body, listen to it, call it in and see what it has to say, let it become the superpower that it is!

Leave a comment below or get in touch to share how these tools worked for you!

Hanine Waked