Everything rides on the breath

We breathe on average 23,040 times in a day but how many of those breaths are we conscious of?

With conscious awareness we can use our breath as a tool to provide us with what we need in any given moment, 23,040 times a day and it's not all about the oxygen we breath!

We can use the breath as an anchor into the present moment, to release toxins and tension in our bodies and to increase what yogi's call prana, our 'life force' energy.

Our prana moves in currents of energy that swirl in different directions around the body, animating us as living and thriving beings and being aware of these currents can bring huge benefits to our lives.

One of those currents is called Apana Vayu which governs the downward and outward energy of the exhale, associated with grounding, letting go and acceptance.

When we extend our exhalations or bring attention to the pause at the end of each breath we can tap into this downward, grounding current of Apana Vayu and guide our awareness inwards to cultivate calm, peace and stability within.

With this understanding we can trust that we have the power to regulate our physical and mental bodies at any moment, supporting ourselves in responding to the challenges  we face on and off the mat.

So next time you're feeling like your feet aren't quite on the ground, take a deep breath, draw your awareness to your exhale, make it just a little longer if you can and take a pause before you take your next breath.

...and remember, it's all practice, one that we can come back to

23, 040 times a day!

Hanine Waked