Survive or thrive?

The word vitality on my tongue tastes of aliveness, energy, radiance and vibrancy of spirit! Its root word vital means 'essential' and its Latin root, vīta means 'life' so we can see that vitality is more than simply strength and action. It holds an essence that animates and sustains us as living and breathing beings. Beings that thrive.

The essence of vitality is one that gives our life a quality of zest and spirit, sustenance and strength that propels us into action and protects the vessel we experience life in. 

In the science and philosophy of Ayurveda and Yoga, this essence is known as Ojas. 

It is one of three ‘vital essences’ known as Ojas, Tejas and Prana. We may be familiar with Prana, our life-force energy but the former two are often a little less known.

With Prana as our master guiding and governing force within the body, Ojas is our vitality – the energy source of our vigor. It is the foundation that allows us to thrive and flourish, strengthening and protecting our immunity, digestion and the health of our skin, sleep and mood!

A great teacher of mine explains that of the three vital essences, Prana allows us to take things in, Tejas allows us to break it down and Ojas is the nourishment we extract.

However these essences can deplete and our resources can run low so in order to feel like you’re thriving through life, take care of Ojas.

“Of the three vital essences, the most important is Ojas. Ojas not only gives a strong reserve of vital energy, it also provides strength and maturity of character and emotional stability. Ojas creates the vessel necessary to hold prana and tejas, which would otherwise disperse. Without ojas, exercises in meditation and yoga lack the proper foundation.”
- Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley)

As many of us focus so heavily on the vital essence of prana in our practice through asana (postural yoga) we find ourselves building our prana and ‘rising the sun’, without taking care to ‘steady the moon’ and replenish our ojas. When our prana has no container and we risk the result of prana amplifying and feeding qualities, habits and samskaras we don’t wish to feed and in turn depleting our vitality.

If we want to thrive through our practice and not just survive on it. 

Steady the moon.

Build ojas.


  • Slow down - favour slower gentler asana, think Hatha ‘Moon’ style practice. Forward folds and twists offer the most nourishment.

  • Rest your senses, away from the screens!

  • Eat ojas building foods such as dates, almonds, avocado and bananas. 

  • Relax - stress and anger can deplete ojas.

  • Love. Toxic, stressful relationships deplete our vitality, but loving supportive relationships build it, so make sure your love is not wasted on the wrong people. 

  • Replenish with sleep.

  • Meditate.

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