What does presence mean to you?
What does presence mean to you?
For me it means...
Being with what is
Being aware of 'now'
Being conscious of my breath
Being awake to what I'm experiencing
Being in my body
Being present
Notice the word 'being' instead of 'doing'?
Presence doesn't require any doing.
Presence is a state of being.
And it resides in the now.
When we're not being present we can get lost in the mental trap of past or future thinking.
We all know what it feels like to worry about something that hasn't even happened, stress about how something should look or feel, hold resentment over something years old, or carry guilt or sadness over something of the past, but being present helps us meet each moment as.. it.. is.
Being present helps us meet who we are...as..we..are.
No baggage of the past
No expectation of the future
A clean slate is there for us each second.
All we have to do is be.