Ahimsa, the art of kindness

Ahimsa translates from Sanskrit to ‘non-voilence’ or ‘non-harm’. 

It is one of the 5 yamas which are self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with others and our outer world, things not to do. The yamas are followed by the 5 niyamas which are observances and practices that involve our inner world and our interactions with ourselves, things to do.

The yamas and niyamas are laid out as guidelines in the Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali in his astanga (eightfold) path of Raja yoga. Patanjali laid out the yamas and the niyamas as the first two limbs of his eightfold path, highlighting their importance. Just as asana is designed to purify the body, the yamas and niyamas are a means of purifying our personality so that our prana vitalises the best of us, the good in us!

As the first yama, Ahimsa seems simple to practice, we all know that harm is wrong, whether that be to people and animals or things and places but beneath the surface, where else does harm manifest? Non-harm and non-violence isn’t only about our actions, it’s about our thoughts, words, beliefs and behaviors towards not only others but ourselves too.  

Being hard on ourselves, negative self-talk, not taking care of ourselves or giving our body nourishing food and adequate rest, neglecting our own needs in favour of pleasing others, the list could go on! All of these things are things I’m sure many of us are familiar with, yet all of these things are harmful. Who knew!? It’s easy to see kindness and non-harm as an outward practice, we’re compassionate beings after all but why do we have a hard time offering it to ourselves?

Inviting compassion to ourselves when we’ve made a mistake, kindness when looking in the mirror, care when using our body, saying no when our boundaries are being crossed, choosing food that nourishes us and giving ourselves a good night’s sleep and walking away from a relationship that is hurting you...this is Ahimsa.

I hope after reading this you’ll join me in choosing kindness, one choice at a time. 

Ahimsa starts here.

Hanine Waked