Self-Knowledge as Self-Love

Yoga is a vast and deep systematic methodology to awaken and illuminate self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around us, despite what the modern postural representation may lead you to believe!

Although yoga stems from and branches into multiple disciplines and schools of thought, the cultivation of stability on and off the mat is the dominant theme and ‘goal’. From the Yoga Sutras to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other key ancient texts, each states the importance of mental and physical stability as they key to unlocking the jewels of yoga. 

So where do self-knowledge and stability meet? And what do either have to do with self-love?

First of all self-love is defined as having a regard for one’s own health, wellbeing and happiness. 

My teacher Octavio Salvado shares that the yogic tradition sees stability as the precursor to self-knowledge and self-knowledge as the doorway to self-love. He also shares that love exists at the deepest level of our being, yet in order to access its true essence we must first sift through the more superficial layers of personality (fears, identity, conditioning, ego etc.) only then can we understand what stands in the way of a true expression of love and move beyond it. 

‘Without self-knowledge real self-love cannot occur. Without stability self-knowledge is out of reach.’ - Octavio Salvado

It makes total sense, in order to love ourselves, or love anything truly for that matter, we need to first know ourselves, to know what it is we are choosing to love, to get to its essence. In order to do that, we need to slow down, get quiet, get closer to ourselves and ultimately get stable. To steady the ripples of the mind so we can see a clear reflection on the water. 

Yoga is the practice of ceasing the fluctuations of the mind, to still those ripples so we can glimpse and touch the aspect of our self that exists beyond it, beyond the ever changing Prakriti and to the changeless Purusha, the Self that resides deep within us.

The ancient scriptures tell us that this aspect of Self resides within the heart, called the Vishok Jyotir, meaning ‘light in the heart’. The place of the highest inner wisdom, where no sorrow can enter and the source of love.

‘Love is our nature, love is the target, slowing down is the path.’ - Octavio Salvado

The practice is yoga.

So roll out your mat, get moving, breathing, meditating, listening, questioning, observing, journaling and witnessing all that comes up. 

Self-love is self-knowledge. 

Once you get to know yourself, you’ll know that you are love and there’ll be nothing in the way of your fierce regard for your own health, happiness and wellbeing.

Hanine Waked